Reduce Your Exposure to Mosquitoes

The City of Leeds wants to share vital information with you regarding mosquitoes and mosquito prevention. It is very important to reduce our mosquito exposure and there are steps you can take to be part of the solution.

Why do we want to reduce mosquito exposure?

  • Mosquitoes carry and transmit several diseases that infect humans and animals, like dogs, birds, and horses.
  • In Alabama, mosquitoes transmit arboviral diseases and encephalitis from West Nile Virus (WNV), eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), St. Louis encephalitis (SLE), and LaCrosse encephalitis (LAE).
  • Mosquitoes can transmit malaria, dengue, and yellow fever less commonly.
  • Mosquitoes do not carry AIDS/HIV, leukemia, or hepatitis.
Reduce your exposure to mosquitoes city of leeds alabama

What are the ways to reduce exposure?

  • Stay indoors, especially during dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active.
  • If you must go outside wear tightly woven loose fitting clothing and insect repellant.
  • Wear enough insect repellent to cover skin and clothes that contains one of the following DEET, Picaridin, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus/PMD, or IR3535.
    • o Do not use repellents under clothing. o Never use repellents over cuts, wounds, or irritated skin.
    • o Spray repellant on hands first and then apply to face and do not apply to eyes, mouth, and apply sparingly around ears.
    • o For children, apply repellant to your own hands first and then put it on the child.
    • o After returning indoors, wash treated skin and clothes with soap and water.
  • If you or your child has a reaction, like a rash, to insect repellent, stop using, wash it off with mild soap and water, and call a local poison control center for further guidance. If you go to a doctor, take the repellent with you.
  • Keep window and door screens shut and in good condition. Repair holes.
  • Inspect your yard for places a mosquito could use to breed
    • o Dispose of containers that collect water, like buckets, cans, bottles, and jars
    • o Repair leaky pipes and outside faucets, unclog drains and gutters
    • o Empty and scrub birdbaths, pet bowls, and animal troughs to get rid of mosquito eggs.
    • o Discard unused tires, wheelbarrows, tubs, wading pools, or store them under covers when not in use.
    • o Keep weeds, vines, and grass trimmed
    • o Fill tree holes with sands or mortar
    • o Change water in vases and pots holding flowers twice weekly

Where can I find more information?


Download a copy of this brochure as well as a checklist above that you can use to evaluate your mosquito exposure and take steps in mosquito prevention.

This information is provided by Alabama Department of Public Health, Infectious Diseases & Outbreaks Division, 201 Monroe Street, Montgomery, Alabama  36104.  Tel:  800.338.8374 - Website: